Treatment Coordinate It! (TC IT!)

Kathy in Town   TC IT2

Introduce a Treatment Coordinator

and watch your

Case Acceptance GROW and Appointment Books FILL

This participation type workshop will open up the door to develop the Treatment Coordinator role within your Practice.

It’s amazing what the Patients tell their Treatment Coordinator after seeing their Dentist or Specialist.

Implemented correctly, Case Acceptance can rise to 80+% every time your Patients sit with your Treatment Coordinator.

To achieve a high level of Case Acceptance, ask yourself:

v  Do you allow time in the appointment to get to know your Patient first to build a trusting relationship?

v  How long are your consultation / examination type appointments so the Patients are not feeling rushed and can perceive this as quality time?

v  Do you give your Patients information they can understand including printed Treatment Plans, accompanied by photos?

v  Do you have a separate consultation room that offers comfort and privacy away from a busy front desk?

Your Patients will make the decision to proceed with their Treatment Plan if you can answer YES to these questions. 

In this workshop, Kathy will cover:

v  Getting the YES!

v  The 3 MUST have things every Patient leaves with

v  Role and Responsibilities

v  The TC’s Tool Box

v  Professional Language that does not leave the Patient Confused

v  Communication and Relationship building skills

v  Exceeding a New Patients Experience – instant referrals

v  Scheduling for Production – not gap fillers

v  How to measure your performance – KPI’s

v  The Professional take home package for all Treatment Plans

    v  How to save your Dentist / Specialist time

And much more…

All attendees are invited to bring along a Treatment Plan they would appreciate assistance with.

Come and enjoy this highly motivating presentation delivered by Kathy Metaxas, with
4 decades in the Dental Industry and loving every day of it!


Click here to register This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. 

  • If you desire an impetus for change, consult the exuberant Kathy Metaxas.  Our practice reaped the benefits of PLATINUM's program in a short period of time.  We have been encouraged in our underlying philosophies of quality patient care and have expanded our practice horizons, as well as our team

    Midland Dental Care - Western Australia

  • PLATINUM is the best thing that has happened to our practice.


  • PLATINUM turned our energy and enthusiasm into a professional and polished team. The high level of professionalism and many different systems that have been introduced have streamlined our workload and increased our production

    Duncraig Dental Care - Western Australia

  • Kathy presents with an enthusiasm that is contagious and inspires you with the practical guidance to improve customer service in the practice.


  • Kathy, I was so impressed with this whole two days.  I wish there was more.  I got so much from it and am so eager to implement so much.


  • I particularly enjoyed role play scenarios!  They can be intimidating but are absolutely the best way to learn.

    New South Wales

  • Fantastic course for all team members

    Western Australia

  • I am so excited and can't wait to get to work on Monday and 'get started'


  • The workshop was paced well.  Thank you Kathy and Team.  It was absolutely beneficial to me

    Dentist, Western Australia

  • Packed with 'gems' presented by Kathy with enthusiasm and tips we can take back to implement straight away


  • I loved the laid back interactive approach and the chance to network and share ideas.


  • Today I became a TC, tomorrow I will get the YES.

    J Crawford - Western Australia

  • Great opportunity to learn how to better our Practice.

    Dr R, South Australia

  • The front desk team that attended had a wonderful time and came home with a few gems too! Looking forward to my debrief from my front office team so we can implement or incorporate these new pearls.

    Donna, WA